The transport management program helps the fleet manager to fully control the operation of the company, simplifies the tasks of financial and technical administration, integrating all data within a single management standard. As a result, it optimizes costs and helps to solve problems related to costs and efficiency of transport and the company.
All data on telematics, fleet, drivers, trip tickets, fuel and MRO are integrated into one accounting system, which provides complete information on vehicles, eliminating possible errors and human error.

MONTRANS Online is a platform that differs from the generally accepted concept of “transportation monitoring”.
In the system of motor vehicle management (MVM) the application process is developed and described in detail: from planning of the production program to the register of performed work, including the processes of setting tasks, formation of trip tickets, control of task execution, closing of the trip ticket and integration of data into the accounting system.
In the system of motor vehicle management (MVM) the application process is developed and described in detail: from planning of the production program to the register of performed work, including the processes of setting tasks, formation of trip tickets, control of task execution, closing of the trip ticket and integration of data into the accounting system.
The program is used by the head of the company - viewing the main indicators of the company's activity KTG, KIP, output in rubles. In addition, the service is used by middle managers: head of the repair shop, head of the fuel and lubricants department, head of the planning department, as well as line employees: dispatcher, logistician, mechanic, and so on.
To get more information and to buy a vehicle management system, please visit